Salaam and good evening everyone, a very intriguing topic that many faced today. I do believe that we face this question while studying for our high school exam, or even tertiary years. When we reach adulthood, we kind of know what the answer is, and it's not a straightforward answer. Job requirement While most jobs with a career path would require some form of academic qualifications, there are those who excels in their career without any tertiary qualifications. One good friend of mine is a living testament to this. He started working after high school with SPM, and now after 20 over years in the banking sector, he is the departmental head overseeing a group of staff in one of Malaysia's leading bank(hint: yellow themed, animal logo). Well, they say experience is the key, but certification can certainly be the icing on the cake. False Positive While most of us would rush into tertiary education without second thought, there are some that would take a different rout...
Fenomena biasa kita lihat setiap tahun. Sekarang ni Musim form five ambik SPM. Bulan 2 atau 3 tahun depan result keluar, bulan 5 atau 6 masuk pusat pengajian tinggi atau tak berapa tinggi. Secara tradisinya, pelajar-pelajar cemerlang akan memasuki IPT ternama dalam & luar negara, yang kurang cemerlang akan masuk pusat pengajian yang dianggap kelas kedua & ketiga. persepsi umum Ramai dari kita menganggap institusi berasaskan vokasional dan teknik sebagai institusi kelas kedua yang hanya layak untuk mereka yang kurang cemerlang. Tapi realiti alam pekerjaan memerlukan mereka yang mahir mengendalikan mesin, membuat kerja-kerja praktikal, serta pelbagai kemahiran lain yang asasnya dilatih di pusat pusat pengajian yang berasaskan teknikal dan vokasional seperti Pusat Giat MARA, IKM, IKBN, ILIM, dan banyak lagi. Bukan nak cakap IPTA dan IPTS yang 'academic based' dah ketinggalan zaman, tapi kebanyakan dari kita ada persepsi kalau nak dapat kerja yang baik, kena masu...